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Marble Fade

  • BOWIE – Marble Fade

  • Falchion Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 KnivesFalchion Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 Knives

    FALCHION – Marble Fade

  • Flip Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Box - Real CS2 KnivesFlip Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 Knives

    FLIP KNIFE – Marble Fade

  • Huntsman Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Box - Real CS2 KnivesHuntsman Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 Knives

    HUNTSMAN – Marble Fade

  • M9 Bayonet Marble Fade IRL - Box - Real CS2 KnivesM9 Bayonet Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 Knives

    M9 BAYONET – Marble Fade

  • Sold OutButterfly Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Box - Real CS2 KnivesButterfly Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 Knives

    BUTTERFLY – Marble Fade

  • Sold OutKarambit Doppler Mable Fade IRL - Box - Real CS2 KnivesKarambit Knife Doppler Marble Fade IRL - Real CS2 Knives

    KARAMBIT – Marble Fade


About Real Marble Fade skins - CS2 IRL Replica

The Marble Fade Skinline has been in the game since the Full Chroma update back in 2015, gaining popularity throughout the years by the look it gives to the knives ! It is consisting in a repetitive three colors pattern of Blue, Yellow and Red, and also has some rare patterns like the Tricolor and the “Ice and Fire”, available on the Flip Knife, Gut Knife, Karambit, and Bayonet ! The other skins all have their highest sought pattern but it will never be the “Ice and Fire”.

As always, we chose the best pattern possible for each knife here at Knify, with differenciated patterns on the two faces of the blade, to give you the opportunity to have “Ice and fire” even on knives that are not allowed to have it ! The Marble Fade skin is available on the Karambit Knife, the M9 Bayonet, the Huntsman Knife, the Flip Knife and the Butterfly Knife.